With our calculator, you can determine roughly how much you can borrow based on your circumstances. Try it now!
Using our Borrowing Power Calculator, you’ll learn precisely how much you can expect to borrow from a bank and how different variables will increase or decrease your borrowing power. Fill out the information below to gain some insight regarding how much you can borrow and what your monthly repayments could be.
With our Borrowing Power Calculator, you’ll be able to see how the interest rate on your loan will impact the amount of money you are going to be able to afford to borrow. Opting for a loan with the minimum variable rate available may help you borrow more money than if you opt for a loan at the maximum variable rate offered.
Borrowing a large sum of money is easier when you have no other loans or debts you’re in the process of repaying. But if you have other loans or debts you’re paying off, financial institutions aren’t going to allow you to borrow as much money. This is because having existing debt means repaying any new debt you accumulate is going to be more difficult.
If you have a partner, you could significantly increase your borrowing power. For those who have a partner earning the same Australian wage, your borrowing power could potentially double. With this in mind, increasing how much you borrow will result in more expensive monthly payments, so it’s not always a viable option. Look at the types of repayments that you feel most comfortable with, both at present and if rates were to increase in the years ahead.